Config.Garage.Zones = {
['Mission_Row'] = {
zoneType = 'box', -- box / poly (if poly you need to create points,
garageType = 'cars', -- cars / planes / boats
coords = vector3(437.02, -1022.42, 28.66), -- coords of box
size = vector3(15.2, 25, 10), -- size of box
rotation = 7.0, -- rotation
jobs = {['police'] = 0}, -- which job and from which grade
canInteract = function() -- you can add this if you want to check anything other than job
if == 'org1' then
return true
return false
spawns = {
vector4(445.9929, -1026.2607, 28.6509, 189.3484), -- spawn point vec4
blip = {sprite = 473, display = 2, color = 38, scale = 0.75, name = 'Garage'}
If you dont have VIN on your server, there is export to generate it. Use this in your vehicle shop.