Full list of features in phone
ESX Framework (Soon support for every framework)
ox_inventory / ox_lib / ox_target
SimCard System with metadata
Logs for every app
You can set auto remove calls for optimalization
Context menu on RMB, you can Call Player / Message / Delete Call / Block number
You can call player from your contacts
You can send normal message / location / photo
You can paste link to image or link to youtube video in message
You can set cooldown for message in config
You can set auto remove messages for optimalization
You can search for an conversation
You can set replaces message in config
You can Call / Message / Add or Remove Contact from Favourites / Edit / Delete
You can search for an conversation
Contacts are sorted alphabetically and by favourites
You are able to copy your number on LMB
You can check blocked numbers on your SimCard
You can send airdrop to few nearby players
You can change wallpaper to 4 default added or custom
You can toggle notch
You can change ringtone to 4 default added or custom
You can change notification to default added or custom
You can set volume from 100% to 0%
You can set phone outline (Outlines are configurable in config)
You can set phone zoom from 100% to 70%
You can toggle streamer mode (It will blur all images, you need to click LMB to unblur)
You can toggle bird notifications
You can toggle racing notifications
Just making photo to gallery
You can open image on full screen
You can copy url to image or delete image from gallery
Last transactions on account
Account balance
You can copy account number
You can transfer money
You can switch between private and society accounts (You can set which jobs and from which grade society account will be visible for player)
If you don't use my banking script, whole bank are open source so you can edit it for your banking.
You can set as many jobs you want
You can change function for starting job and canceling job
Garages are fully configurable via config, you can set zones, markers, blips, debug and much more.
Players with police job can confiscate vehicle for hours and set price for redemption
If you lost your vehicle, you can locate or impound in impound zones.
You can register more than 1 account
You can't add bird without being logged in account
You can delete birds as admin
You can copy link to photo from bird using context menu
You can attach photo from gallery in bird / make new using camera or paste link
You can add page with optional photo
On context menu you can call player or copy his number
You can delete pages as admin
You can set which jobs and from which grades players will be shown in app
You can Call / Message / Copy Number on context menu
You can set as many points you want, script will show price for nearest point
If player quit game while renting vehicle, he will pay all money and penalty
If player don't refund vehicle on ending rent, he will pay all money and penalty
In-built magazine creator
You can check which magazines are available to buy
You can check your magazines or your magazines statistics
You can increase amount of keys, capacity or buy garage / delivery storage (for delivery app)
You can set in config price for key / capacity / garage / delivery and max amount keys / capacity
Magazines are fully sync between players, if you open magazine everyone will be able to enter in.
You can add / remove magazine from favourites.
You can give / remove keys from player.
Player with keys will be able to lock/unlock magazine and take out vehicle from garage.
You can check active races or your racing history.
You can create tracks with creator.
You can set permissions for creating tracks and races in config.
You can set every class and currency in config.
Chat between all racers.
You can change nick in settings.
Top 3 used tracks will be shown on top in track list.
You can toggle ghost mode on race.
You can set as many currencies you want in config.
Last transactions on wallet.
You can transfer crypto to other wallet or sell it and receive money on bank account.
You can set which items are be shown in config.
Stock are configurable in database.
You are only able to order item if you has magazine with delivery.
You can set different currency for each item.
2 Hacks are available for this moment (More will be added in future updates).
You can set settings for each action in hack.
You can add hack for everything (robberies, heists etc.)
You can change nickname in settings (Nick is randomly generated from config)
You can toggle notifications from rooms
If you create room, you are able to kick members or delete room.
As member you can leave room.
You can set as many zones you want in config.
Music are sync between all players on server.
xsound is required.
Last updated